Thursday, 25 April 2013

Words from Mia: Molly's Haybox Woes Continues

As I was complaining about Molly's bad haybox habits just last night, thinking that the 3rd generation haybox will be a good one, I was wrong. I woke up the next morning to one huge mess. Molly has not only jumped into the tray to eat the hay and pooped and peed as she ate, but has also flipped the entire tray over. Pee soaked hay was basically thrown all over the litterbox and a good amount on the floor.
And that's how it ended. I decided that Molly has the mentality that as long as there is a box (or anything that's remotely similar) she must jump into it to eat the hay. So I might as well remove it. It's gonna get messy because she'll pick at the hay and mess it up a little, but at least she's not peeing and pooping all over the freshly placed hay, right? I'm really keeping my fingers crossed on this.
And that's our hay monster at work. Nom nom nom nom...
On a side note, Molly has started eating her watercress! She's still not eating all of them, but she has taken a considerable amount. Well done, Molly!
And a special treat for our dear readers, Molly's sexy bunny butt. Look at her cute tail!
Till then,