Tuesday 6 September 2016

Mia's Review: Foot Medi Foot Peeling Spray

-credits to gaitway.com.au-

Do you know, cracked heels doesn't necessary just makes you look bad while strutting around in your killer (strappy, backless) heels, but also smell bad. The accumulation of old dead skin cells will eventually give you sticky and stinky feet as fungi and sebum tend to latch onto the dead cells. And these are hard to clean off with just regular washing. 

I've previously tried foot pumice (they really doesn't work much), foot files (mehh) and the once very popular pedi-egg, which by far is the most efficient, but it going to be a serious arms' workout as well. Recently, I came across a foot peeling spray on Qoo10 and decided to give it a try. 

Retailing at the usual price of $19.90 on Qoo10 (and as low as $7 on auction promo), this product came across as those skin exfoliating products we usually use on our faces. 

With a spray head that comes along with a lock function, usage is extremely simple. 

You just spray the product onto your feet generously, and wait for 20 seconds before rubbing. 

And expect all your dead skin cells to be exfoliated off! It's really quite a nice feeling rubbing out so many dead skin cells off my heavily callused feet. The product also comes with a nice citrus-orangey scent and can be used on either dry or wet feet, which means you can use it in the showers! How convenient!  

That's my (still very dry and quite cracky) feet after 1 usage of the product. 

Well, obviously this product is not some miracle dead skin peeling spray that will give you baby smooth feet in just one usage. However, I still feel that it's a good product to have if you are at the two most extremities of the spectrum: You have horribly cracked heels, or you have a decent looking pair of heels with moderately well moisturised and smooth skin. 

If you're well blessed to be the latter, then this spray will be perfect on its own as your weekly or bi-weekly foot peeling treatment to keep your feet as well-maintained. On the other hand, if you're not (like yours truly), then having a foot pumice/foot file/pedi egg alone will not be sufficient to remove callus mountain on your feet. 
I personally found my pedi egg experience right after using this foot spray much easier and quicker, with more dead skin shaved off much quicker and easier. 

You can purchase Foot Medi Foot Peeling Spray at Qoo10 right HERE

Till then,
Mia Foo


  1. This looks like a great product. My auntie would love this!

  2. This would be helpful for me especially with all the running I do. It can really help clear all the calluses and dead skin cells.

  3. I'm not too conscious of my feet, but luckily I don't really have dry skin there. Good, because I'm not fond of foot spas.

  4. This seems like a good and effective foot product. Do they sell this product anywhere other than the online shop?

  5. This looks a great product and seems quite easy to get off that dry, cracky feet skin.

  6. My feet are also cracked and very dry. I Guess this product will work for me.

  7. Dry feet can be very common during the summer and it really looks terrible. This sounds like an awesome product to help fight that.

  8. Looks like a good product. I started to wear cushion slippers all the time even at home, and my cracks did go away. However I did that the moment my firat ever heel crack appeared!

  9. Hi, Mia. I don't know if we have that specific product here in the Philippines. I may not be too concerned with fashion, grooming and others, but I did enjoy reading your post as I learned something new. Foot spray is now one of the things I will look out for when I go to the mall/grocery to replenish my stocks at home. It looks easy to use. Spray and peel. I can manage that.

  10. i bought this one almost 3 weeks ago but still not use it. finally i found your blog about this and now i am more confident to use it. your blog is helpful!
