Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Part Time Jobs for Students: 4 questions to ask yourself before you say yes to more money

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To all tertiary students out there, I’m sure at one point of time (especially when your timetable for the new semester felt pretty empty) you had asked yourself this question: To work part time, or not to work part time?

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Earn while you learn and learn while you earn by holding some part time jobs for students, why not?
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Even the superheroes are holding part time jobs, so why shouldn’t you start looking for some part time jobs in Singapore?

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But before you jump onto the bandwagon and start googling for part time jobs Singapore, there’s a few questions you should ask yourself first. 

1. What type of work do you enjoy?
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Well, it might be just a part time job that takes up at most just 4 hours of your time a day for that few days per week. But still, finding a part time job doing things that you enjoy doing will give you loads of happiness and fulfillment on top of a fatter wallet, so why not be a chooser?
Be it telemarketer, home tutor, service crew, or even a uber/grabcar driver, just take your time and think it though. If you were to spend 4 hours of your day doing something consecutively, what would you rather do?

2. What hours can you work?
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Can you afford to throw in a few hours of work before or after classes on your weekdays? Or would you want to ‘burn’ your weekends and say no to social life once and for all? The type of hours you can afford to work greatly determine what kind of jobs you can take up, so start looking at your class schedule and start planning!

3. How much money do you need?

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Well, are you looking to kill time due to an exceptionally free class schedule this semester or you’re actually cash strapped?
A F&B service crew probably earns you barely $10 an hour while being a home tutor can easily fetch you 3 times that hourly pay, along with more stress and responsibilities.
Decide on exactly how much money do you need (not want) and then put in just that amount of effort to earn enough. Remember, you’re a student taking a part time job, not a full time salaried worker taking part time studies.

4. What are your priorities?
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As mentioned in point 3, you’re a student taking a part time job, not a full time salaried worker taking part time studies. You always have time for things you put first, so set your priorities right. This is coming from my own experience, so do not take this with just a pinch of salt (take at least two, lah!). When I was in my 3rd year in university, I was blinded by the amount of cash I was getting from my part time job, so much so that I compromised on my studies just to chalk up that few extra hours a week to earn more. Needless to say, my results took a huge hit. Semester GPA of less than 1, have you heard of that before?
As a student, your top priorities should always be your studies. You may compromise on your social life for more cash, and that’s the limit.

Never, ever, allow your part time job to affect your studies.

Till then,
Mia Foo


  1. Part time jobs will be a great help for both the parents and the students however, as you've mentioned, priorities should be clear. Not everyone can study and work part time; it takes a lot of focus and time management. When one have mastered these things, it would truly be beneficial to them.

  2. How do you get GPA less than 1?? :O Anyway.. I never did part-time during semesters before.. That few hours a day/week could really be put on social life or other activities which probably couldn't be enjoyed once we start our careers.

    1. epic lehhh... a mixture of Fs and Ds lor. but after i quit my p/t, my semester gpa shot up to >4.

  3. I loved working part time when I was at college and Uni - the majority was bar work but I did love working at Mecca Bingo, certainly passed the time and provided me with spending money!

  4. Yes This is universal treat for kids of all ages. I also try to make own clothes to save money in future shows.

  5. This is great advice here - especially having priorities in order. That and time management are definitely key!

  6. organisation and time management is what you need in order to juggle everything. i didnt have time due to the amount of uni work i had

  7. These is a really interesting post, definitely though provoking for students.

  8. Hi Mia Foo, that is true. Never allow the part time job to affect our studies. First of all is to identify and know our priority plus learn how to say no if we can't commit or lack of time or not feeling well to take up the job.

  9. These are great tips. It's nice when students think like this. Just don't let the job affect your studies. I've known a few who when they started earning money didn't want to go back to school.

  10. Each of us needs work to do, without it, we are idle. For students, part time job is great and really could help them put forward their dreams.

  11. An article for stroff? Will be writing for them soon too! Nice and simple 4 questions for students!

  12. thanks for your questions. they are really make me have to twice before applying for part time job

  13. Even not for the money, a part time job can give you experience and maturity. You get to learn new things and also learn to be responsible.

  14. It sometimes becomes really hard to balance your job and studies. I salute to all those who can manage both terrifically

  15. Nice act of encouraging students to work part time than to waste their extra time with vices. Anyway, I was a working student before, sometimes it's hard but mostly fun.

  16. I must say the blog post is just useful for everyone else reading it because the information and knowledge it contains is very important. I like the post! Excellent job! Keep sharing such valuable information through your blogs.
    Are you a student? Do you want to do part time job in Australia. Here I want to introduce the best part time jobs in Australia.
