Sunday 19 July 2020

Mia Cooks: Chickpea Toasties

Chickpeas fans, anyone? 
-credits to medicalnewstoday-

Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a type of legume that's rich in fibre and protein. It contains a range of nutrients, which is necessary for bone, muscle and skin health. Chickpeas (both canned and dried) has been one of my main choice of protein sources (alongside tofu, chicken breast and white fish fillets) for my #stayhomelunch these days. 
I've been mainly stir-frying them with zucchini and tomatoes in sriracha sauce to go alongside a serving of rice or oatmeal porridge
And then I thought, why not make a toastie sandwich out of them? 

So let's get over the ingredients, so we can get started! Do tweak the amount depending on how generously you'll like to fill up your sandwich. I obviously prepared way too much filling, so much so that I had to do a "double-decker". 

100g boiled chickpeas or canned chickpeas, drained
30 - 40g white onion, chopped
a pinch of salt
25g natural plain yogurt
1 tbsp (~10g) sriracha sauce
a dash of black pepper
a dash of chili powder
a dash of ground ginger
two slices of bread according to your choice

optional toppings:
lettuce slices
tomato slices

First up, chop the onions as finely as you fancy and sauteed them over a lightly greased pan, with a pinch of salt, until they're slightly transparent (cooked). If you prefer your onions to be sweet, you can also cook them further until they're soft and caramelised. Then, dump the cooked onions into a bowl along with the chickpeas and mash them up with a potato masher (you can try using a sturdy fork as well, or even a food processor) until the mixture is mashed up to your liking. Add in the yogurt, sriracha and seasonings and mix well. Do give the mixture a taste test and add more seasonings according to your preference. 

Then, grab two slices of your choice of bread (I used wholemeal) and pop them into the toaster or oven, and toast them until they're browned and crisp to your liking. Assemble your toastie with the prepared filling, plus whatever toppings you like. 
I actually added some shredded mozzarella cheese onto my bread while they toast, but the chickpea filling will be quite flavourful and you won't be able to taste the mozzarella at all. If you'll like to have some cheese in your toastie, I'll suggest that you use a cheese with a sharper flavour. 

And tadaa~
My double-decker chickpea toastie, served with some pan roasted vegetables.

Till then,
Mia Foo


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